Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring is in the air ... pause ... pause ... NOT!

Past week we have been enjoying "warm" weather .... er ... meaning temperatures ABOVE zero (Celsius that is, of course). Until friday, Mr. Freeze was back and snow befall upon us once more!

We were supposed to go on a snowshoeing weekend with some friends, but bailed out coz my knee is still hurting and T. had a sudden outburst of her eczema. And none of her wondercreams seemed to work anywore. So called a doctor to get an appointment .... first date possible was 17th of April!! So, ok, our Belgian health system might be expensive and there are many physicians out of work, at least you don't have to wait a friggin' month for an appointment!
Luckily we discovered that there's a clinic for students of the UDeM, but they're closed fridays and over the weekend. So Tinneke will go on Monday first thing. And pharmacies carry a lot of stuff that would be prescription drugs in Belgium, so we were able to buy 0,5% hydrocortisone ointment. A temporarily relief.
But if my knee keeps on hurting, I figure go see a doctor as well (well in a month time that is ;-)

So we had a weekend laying low, watching some movies ... BORAT is funny, but nothing new. Avid fans of Da Ali G. Show are familiar with the character already, and I felt the best jokes were in the trailer. THE PRESTIGE with Christian Bale (yummy according to T.) and Hugh Jackman (aka Wolverine) by one of my favourite directors Christopher Nolan (remember Memento?) was much better. And also much darker than that other magician movie THE ILLUSIONIST with Edward Norton. Finally, CASINO ROYALE. You know kinda what to expect wit a bondflick, but this one had some nice twists and clin-d'oeils. (origins of the Bond Martini, BOND coming out of the water (wink wink nudge nudge Ursula Andress) and lots more.) And gotta admit, besides the pecks and sixpacks of Daniel Craig (T. drooling all over the couch), he brings back the old fashioned sway a real Bond needs to have. Furthermore, I watched AFTER LIFE again, a movie I saw 9 years ago in Cartoons in A'pen. A great Japanese movie about having to pick the happiest memory of your live as your only memory when you're actually dead.

Have a great week ... I hope I will (I'm actually getting bored already)! Though I like doing all the chores around the house (washing, cleaning and cooking is very exciting!!), I still feel some kind of anxiety. Coz when I work, I long for MORE TIME to play around with my website, music and whatever more, and when I do get all THAT TIME, I actually don't feel like doing it anymore ... SIGH. I'm probably just overcomplicating things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey erik, na een super hectische werkweek vorige week en een super zalig verlengd weekend verlof heb ik eindelijk de tijd gevonden om nog eens je weblog te lezen :-)
hopelijk gaat alles nu beter met je knie!!
After live, diene film, weet je nog dat we die samen hebben gezien :-) toffe herinneringen komen boven over op bezoek gaan bij mijn grote broer op kot in het verre antwerpen, en dan samen naar nene super goeie film gaan zien... :-)
heb je toevallig die DVD want ik heb die hier overal liggen zoeken (in FNAC en Bilbo) maar niks gevonden want zou die ook nog wel eens willen zien!

6:55 AM  
Blogger E. Stilker said...

Helaas, hij was gehuurd .... En ik weet nog heel goed dat ik hem samen met jou gezien heb.
Trouwens van dezelfde regisseur is "Nobody knows" (verlaten kinderen in Tokyo).

4:41 PM  

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