Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Avenue du Parc will stay Avenue du Parc. Mayor Tremblay of Montreal has abandonned the plan to rename after Robert Bourassa.

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This to parody all the breaking news that isn't so breaking at all. But this is of course to some interest to us, coz we live on Parc Avenue, and the name chane was completely ridiculous and not very democratic. No public hearing was ever held to consult the locals. And for Parc Avenue, the locals were the first Greek immigrants seeking a better life. As soon as opposition rose against the name change, the mayor persevered his madness, despite members of his own party not fully supporting the motion. Finally he backed of ... or at least that is the official story.

Ok, if you're still reading this, you might wonder who the heck is this Robert Bourassa fella? Why try to explain if we have a good knowledgable friend WIKI P. !.

Reading between the lines of the whole story, it's of course just politics. The mayor tried to push something through to make a point that would make him more appreciated. And so when the never expected fierce opposition rose, he could not give in to it, coz a leader showing weakness is not worth being a leader. In the meantime, his decision needed to be approved by the Provincial Toponymy Commission. And while they kept on stalling their verdict, it stirred even more uproar. The Bourrassa family were very sad about the whole controversy and disapproved the unilateral decision of the mayor. And I guess after some provincial pressure, pressure from his own party, Bourrassa's family not supporting the idea and a recent outburst of critics of the president of Tourisme Montreal saying that MTL is filthy and the city is not doing enough, add the local elections in a couple of months, I guess Tremblay decided he was not willing to take that heat anymore and to drop the renaming. Because isn't a true leader, someone who listens to the public and not afraid of admitting he was wrong? Irony, oh irony, where shall I be without sweet irony!

You see politics, wherever you go, it's all the same bollocks. Whether it's some mayor looking for re-election or Flemish politicians wanting a francophone prime minister so they have something to trade for more regional responsibilities.

Toconclude: why do I care so much? And why should you, dear reader, take the smallest amount of interest in petty local Quebecois politics? Coz I was interviewed by CTV on the issue, and finally the first step is taken of my way to Canadian Stardom!! ;-p

READ THIS FIRST: for those out there not very interested in local politics, just a small note. When the president of Tourism Montreal said that MTL was a filthty place and thus the reason why tourists are staying away, I can guarantee that BXL and A'pen are worse. But gotta admit, a city without wildpissing, isn't a real city. (Trust me, I've done my share already!)


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