Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It seems like an eternity since I posted an update ... I guess in times of Twitter, Facebook and FourSquare, blogging seems too tedious to share my thoughts and rants. But in short:

We're leaving in a couple of days to the Rock aka Newfoundland. This is the most the eastern province of Canada, notorious for it's fishing villages, whales and icebergs. Most newfies are direct descendants from Scotsmen and Irishmen and this is illustrated in their particular culture of drinking, music and dialect. We'll be visiting colourful St. John's, Gros Morne National Park and L'Anse-Aux-Meadows where vikings first discovered the Americas (long long before Columbus).

The rest of the summer is booked solid with a BBQ b-day party, a weekend to the Laurentians with friends, a Lebanese dinner night, and a music festival with acts like Arcade Fire, Pavement, Sonic Youth, etc .

The last 2 weeks of August we will spend in Belgium. Hope to see you all!

Ps: Going to see Jef Neve & Jose James tomorrow at the Jazz Fest too.