Monday, October 19, 2009

Pics of Obama!

Well not exactly, but his house and some other places in and around Washington, District of Columbia are featured. Oh BTW, never say Washington, just DC like all the the locals. A couple of months ago we flew down to visit Paul & Daniella, our former neighbours from Belgium. They say DC is a crime ridden place, but we noticed none of that in the swanky neighbourhood where they have a condo.

Some White House

I don't think he was home...

Smithsonian on the Mall

Another Smithsonian Institution

National Museum of the American Indian (all Smithsonian Museums are free!)

There's something creepy about a closed merry-go-round

And sad too ...

Aw. That musta hurt!

Capitol Hill

I find it looks like a palace from a Banana Republic dictator (it must be the palm trees)

Obelisk (Free Masons anyone)

More Mall ...



WW II Memorial Monument



Everywhere you go, the needle is always there.

The spike is inspiring actually!


Looks like a Greek temple


Cute Georgetown

Colourful houses

Actually most of these places were occupied by students.

The Exorcist was shot in Georgetown.

And the sky was all yellow!

Now that's a real loft (including chimney).

Guess you could throw a hell of a pizza party with that chimney.

Daniella enjoying a brewski in the local watering hole.

The Potomac River on from George Washington's Estate in Mt. Vernon, Virginia

Foremost G. Washington was a farmer.

Cantaloupes on the fence.

Picture perfect sky.

Mr. Steer

The barnyard.

The Estate (actually made from wood, but painted white with sand thrown on so they look like stone)


Blogger The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

Lovely photos, thanks for making me smile. You have a very good eye for simply and beautiful thanks for sharing.
All the very best,

9:45 PM  

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