Friday, December 19, 2008

Tsjevenstreek, het zelfbouwpakket

TSJEVENSTREEK, het zelfbouwpakket.

*** S P E C I A L E P R O M O T I E ***
nu in aanbieding voor de feestdagen

Te verkrijgen in de betere doe-het-zelfzaak in de afdeling 'Huichelarij'.

*** S P E C I A L E A A N B I E D I N G ***
Bel nu naar +32 (0) 2 501 02 11 en krijg er
GRATIS de informatieve DVD 'Goed Bestuur' bij.

Exceptionally a post in Dutch. It's a comment on petty Belgian politics. YES WE CAN!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First snowstorm

Of this winter season that is. After -27C during the day a snowstorm headed our way. It took me 2hours to get home from work. 2 hours sitting on the bus that was stuck in traffic.

And in case you're wondering what a snowstorm looks like:

So don't come complaining to me about that eetsie beetsie tiny bit of snow you had in Belgium :-)
Pictures were taken at night in our street.