Sunday, February 03, 2008

It's a raquette!

So finally, Internet is sorted out ... funny enough, the day after the Internet was fixed, the phone lines went dead ... so we spent a week without phone. Sigh ... I think it's time to switch providers.
We're really in hibernation mode now (and so are most Montréalers). Although, we're very glad we don't live in Edmonton ... they reached a record high (or should I say record low) of -50C! So, I'm quite happy with our -20C.

Anyways, since we can't always stay indoors watching DVD's (we have all Seinfeld episodes, and watching Heroes season II as well), it was time to get out of Montréal for some snowshoeing action in OKA. A beautiful but very cold day on the frozen St. Laurent river.

Heck, I look like Dixie Dansercoer!

To boldly go where no man has gone before :-)

OKA village