Saturday, October 28, 2006

WANTED: temporary roommate

T. is going to a conference in Warsaw end of November. That means I'll be home alone. Sniff sniff...

Normally I wouldn't mind that much coz T. went to lots of conferences and seminars abroad when we still lived in Belgium. Usually I spent the week playing lots of guitar, renting no-brainer action movies T. never wanted to see, inviting friends over for dinner to try-out new recipes (like sushi) and hitting the bars, going to bed at 6 am and waking up with terrible hangovers and my sister doing the dishes coz the house is a terrible mess.

But now I do start to miss the social interaction. I was used to going "downtown" Leuven to buy CDs and end up spending the whole afternoon in De Commerce with some friends. Having friends over for dinner and putting way too much effort in that pineapple-banana crumble with vodka. Or simply inviting ourselves to Greet & Tom and spend a lazy sunday afternoon watching our godchildren tear down the house.

I know it will be different when I have a job; not only do I have to work (darn!) but I'll get to know a bunch of new people.

So if you care to keep me company, there's a cheap flight leaving from Charles De Gaulle to Montreal at 11:45 on the 18th of November and going back on the 26th of November at 20:30 for 376,32 EUR. And you can get the Thalys from Midi to CDG (round trip) for about 82 EUR.

't Is niet voor mij, maar voor de eenzaamheid! Aantrekkelijke, knappe vrouwen mogen mij altijd schrijven op mijn adres; rue de coucou 70, Montreal.


Blogger Sarah said...

ik zit in hetzelfde schuitje! sven is een hele week op "toernee" met een bevriend groepje... :(

niet leuk he, but hey, we zullen het wel overleven ;)

10:03 AM  
Blogger Alrac said...

It will be impossible for me to fly to Montreal, though I'll try to be as much as possible connected in MSN.

Check for Expat websites...they organize really nice events for expats around the world. I used to go to some of these events when I was living in Horgen...I met very nice people!!! This, or either do any course you'd like to: Photography, Spanish Classes, Trapeeze...:-D

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menneke toch, jaja, sushi en crumble was heel plezant, en het was zoooo gemakkelijk om ne keer de Commerce in te duiken voor een aantal uren op een zaterdagmiddag....
But I'm here, and you are overthere mate. Anders probeer ik elke dag wel een chatke te doen.
Heb vandaag een foto-album van een collega gezien die naar Montréal gegaan is, en dat ziet er fantastisch uit.
We komen af, maar het zal niet voor dees jaar zijn pal. Some other time... Jan

5:20 AM  

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