Friday, November 28, 2008

Slip'n slide

Belgium had snow before Montreal. So multiply that snow by five and add 20 degrees below zero and you have a Quebec winter. We started having snow only this week, followed by rain, followed by powder snow followed by slush. Guess it's safe to say that this year's winter will be nothing like last year's. Last year we were already digging ourselves out. Although I am still hoping for a white X-mas.

Something I can't let slide (as a blogger, as a web marketing specialist and as someone with a strong political opinion) is the whole Crem Blog incident. OK, first of all I am not a big fan of CD&V. Teaming up with separatists is unforgivable in my eyes, but more importantly this a conservative party. And per definition they are against change. And my core philosophy is that CHANGE is GOOD.
Regardless if he was drunk or not, making a fool of himself and wasting tax payers money, this whole incident clearly shows that this governing political party (in particular the Minister of Defense) is completely out of touch with the reality of the 21st century. Whether you like it or not your brand, your service, your reputation, your political party will be out there, in the clouds and people will be talking about you. It will define for you. It is the new word of mouth. Accepting this is a step forward, denying obviously backward. Participating is a leap forward. Wouldn't it have been more graceful if Mr. De Crem blogged about this, explaining why he was in NYC, that politicians are also humans and allowed to have fun and why he wasn't wasting valuable tax payers' money? Sadly, he doesn't even seem to have a blog.
Lesson: if you try to shut out the digital natives, they will shut you out. (see

Addendum: When I was in NYC last September, I saw Steve Stevaert in the Guggenheim. Ok, not as news worthy because he wasn't drunk, he wasn't chanting folkloric song and seemed to be there on his own time admiring art. Should I be afraid of losing my job now?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey my friend,

This one I can't let pass by.

1) I am on your side concerning the De Crem story, so there is no problem but...

2) CD&V is a party that don't want change?????? There is in Belgium only one party that really wants the "staatshervorming": speaking of a change!!!

However, sadly the snow is gone now in Belgium :)


4:56 AM  
Blogger E. Stilker said...

Oh yeah, I know we have very different point of views on this one. But honestly they have been in office how long now (over a year), and exactly how much has changed? Anyways, let's discuss in April over a long nice dinner, what do you say? :-)

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That seems a great option: a long dinner in April and what we will discuss about, we will see in April (maybe there isn't a govournment anymore then > probably the best solution for all of us :) )


6:10 AM  
Blogger Sid Frisjes said...

Are they in power yet? I didn't notice...

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gonna like this one:


3:21 AM  
Blogger E. Stilker said...

Bwa, eigenlijk niet. Hoe zeer ik hem ook veracht, je moet het intellectueel fair spelen. Natuurlijk liegen over een telefoontje is ook niet echt eerlijk. Maar er is veel te zeggen over de persoon de Crem, de Minister de Crem en over zijn partij. Er is ook een duchtig woordje te praten over al de andere partijen. Maar ik kan alleen maar vaststellen dat er nog niet veel veranderd is. Genoeg stof om over te praten in april :-)

1:37 PM  

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